“Please don’t interrupt me while I’m talking to myself”

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Can Genie come out and play?

Day and night, Genie is confined to her beautiful bottle. It's cold, smooth exterior belies its strength as both protection and a prison. Inside, an ever present and omniscient voice emerges from everywhere and nowhere. It is a daily visitor.

Insistent, Genie stubbornly plots her freedom. Some days it's not so bad. She relents, sometimes giving way to distractions from outside sources. Other days, she feels trapped and desperate. Suddenly, an opportunity as fleeting as a soft breeze on a still night appears and she sees her chance.

"Go for it!", the voice howls excitedly to her.

She attempts to escape from her beautiful bottle and be free......only to find that in the end fate is heavy handed. Doubt, never far away, casts its shadow on her momentary bravado. Should she try again or quietly succumb to the comfort of her prison all the while knowing that tomorrow she will once again hear the voice whispering, "Can Genie come out and play?"

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Girl Who Longed For Fire

The girl lived in a small, safe town.

On the outskirts of town a fire burned.
She knew better than to get close to the fire.

"Stay away, get back, don't get too close,
 you'll get burned......"her own self warned.

Every once in a while the girl would
willfully walk over to the fire and
put her hand into the flame.

It hurt as expected.

She was still


Friday, January 6, 2012

I Wish...

I wish I could have it all.
I wish I could hold you tight.
I wish I could be with you.
I wish I could make you better.
I wish I could make you mine.
I wish I could trust you.
I wish I could believe in you.
I wish I could depend on you.
I wish I could forget you.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I am Done

I'm Done tryin'
I'm Done cryin'
I'm Done talkin'
I'm Done listenin'
I'm Done callin'
I'm Done waitin'
I'm Done bleedin'
I'm Done breakin'
It was nice knowin' ya, I am Done.